Dishonesty of the Liberal Media: 125 years of Treachery and Deceit

Dishonesty of the Liberal Media: 125 years of Treachery and Deceit

by Matthew Dunneyveg

How dishonest has the liberal media become? The liberal jihad against Brett Kavanaugh -- hardly a rock-ribbed conservative -- provides the perfect opportunity to count the ways:

Actually, the liberal media has long had a tortured relationship with the truth. One of the scions of the liberal media, William Randolph Hearst, was largely responsible for starting a war with Spain when he engineered the lie about the sinking of the USS Maine as an act of Spanish aggression. The less said about the honest of the rest of Hearst's stories on this war, the better. Joseph Pulitzer, one of the fathers of "yellow journalism", wasn't any better. The NYT is worse than any of them. In the winter of 1932-33, the NYT had a reporter named Walter Duranty in Moscow during the Holodomor, in which the man liberals affectionately nicknamed "Uncle Joe" Stalin murdered between six and ten million Ukrainian peasants. Uncle Joe stole all their food and dumped it on the world market, thereby causing a market collapse in farm prices for US farmers. During the German election of 1933, while liberals were denying this mass murder, the liberals in the Weimar government were thoroughly discredited. This election came down to a choice between communists and Nazis. Hitler won this election in large measure because he was the only strong anti-communist, and Germans didn't want to suffer the gruesome fate of Ukrainian peasants. Had liberals not aided and abetted in the murder of millions of Ukrainians, it is likely this election would've turned out much differently. After causing untold amounts of the worst kind of human misery, did liberals learn anything? Nope. Several years ago, the NYT and Pulitzer reviewed Duranty's Pulitzer. They came to the conclusion that the denial of the murder of six to ten million innocent people wasn't sufficient reason to withdraw this honor:

Imagine prestigious awards being given out for denying the Jewish holocaust. Just to show the stark contrast, here is the reality:

Of course, dishonest media raises the question of what is to be done. The liberal media has grown much worse since the cultural revolution of the late sixties since the Supreme Court decided NYT v Sullivan:

In this decision the liberal dictators in black robes by fiat decreed that it would no longer be possible for public figures to sue the liberal media when that media told the most scurrilous lies about them. This decision was passed during the Civil Rights era to allow liberals to lie about what was really going on in the South with complete impunity. A Supreme Court that can declare dictatorially that the liberal media can lie and destroy innocent people with impunity is something Americans need to demand be abolished; such is not appropriate for a republican form of government. The problem isn't the media per se. The problem is liberals that believe it is just fine to lie, cheat, steal, and even murder to get their way. As long as Americans accede to liberals and their consequentialist morality, there isn't much hope for improvement in media honesty.

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