Racial and Ethnic Slurs From Around the World

One of the immutable rules of political correctness is that white American people in general, and white American males in particular, are apparently the only people on the planet who practice discrimination and racism. However, white American people in general, and white American males in particular, are under constant attack from people who, if the rules were applied evenly and fairly, would also be seen as vicious and virulent racists. An organization called White Lives Matter would be racist. A movement that called itself The Race would be seen as being white supremacist and separatist. If the "n" word is the most horrible word in the English language, why do so many of them use it so frequently? If someone white uses it, they're automatically considered a racist. To me, barring someone from saying or doing something because of the color of their skin is, by definition, racism, but many people don't want to know that. On and on. Whatever. Let's see how people who are not white and/or American address others who are different from themselves:

Abid - Arabic for black African, means slave.

Apple - "Red on the outside, white on the inside." Used by Native Americans to describe sellouts of their own kind.

Banana - "Yellow on the outside, white on the inside." Another fruit-based term used by Asians toward other Asians who act like whites or are beholden to white interests.

Bounty Bar - "Dark on the outside, light on the inside." Used by blacks to describe other blacks who have "gone white."

Chi-Chi - Used by Indians to describe Anglo-Indians, means "dirt."

Chug - Used by white Canadians to describe aboriginal people.

Cracker - Derogatory term for poor whites used by blacks regardless of their socioeconomic standing.

Dogan - Canadian slur for Irish Catholics.

Gin - Australian slur for an aboriginal woman. A "Gin Jockey" is a white man who rides one.

Golliwog - British slur for Afro-Caribbeans.

Gora - Indo-Pakistani slur for a white person.

Goy - Slur used by Jews to describe Gentiles.

Gringo - Mexican slur for white Americans.

Guizi - Chinese slur for whites.

Haole - Pronounced as "howlie." Native Hawaiian slur for whites.

Honky - Used by black Americans to describe whites, and immortalized in countless movies and TV shows. Derived from "hunky," but personally I think it's derived from many African-American males' annoying tendency to walk down the middle of roads and streets, hence "honky."

Hori - White New Zealander's term for a Maori.

Japie - South African equivalent of "redneck" or "white trash."

Kaffir - White South African slur for blacks.

Kano - Filipino slur for Americans.

Keling - Derogatory Indian slur for people from Southeast Asia resident in India.

Mabuno - Zimbabwean slur for white Africans.

Madrassi - Slur used by light-skinned Indians to refer to dark-skinned Indians.

Malakh khor - Slur used by Iranians to describe Arabs, means "locust eater."

Mzungu - Black African slur for a white person.

Oreo Cookie - Uses by blacks to describe other blacks who have "gone white." What is it with all of these fruit and confection-based slurs?

Paddy - Derogatory term for an Irishman used by the British.

Paki - Slur used by the British for people from South Asia.

Palagi - Samoan slur for whites.

Pocho - Mexican slur used to describe Mexican-Americans who have more-or-less assimilated into American society, which many consider a high crime.

Redlegs - Barbadian term for white slaves. Yes, whites were slaves there, too.

Seppo - A British/Australian slur for an American. Derived from "septic tank."

Twinkie - Used by Native Americans to describe whites who claim to have Native American ancestry and have none.

Wigger - derogatory term for whites that act like blacks.

Nice people, aren't they? Please feel free to add anything to the list.

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