This Is How the World Ends: Not With A Bang, Not With A Whimper, But With a Big Fat Ass, and A Dick That Just No Longer Cares

What is the point of fat porn? Why does it exist at all, and more importantly, how has it become so popular on porn sites? It makes no sense to me at all.

Remember how Carlin said the fact nobody trusts the water anymore is a sign the system is ready to collapse? I think fat porn is a much better measure of social decay than distrusting the water, because that's something that requires changing the government, because it requires redesigning public works projects. 


Fat porn, on the other hand, is sitting there right next to the most beautiful women we've ever seen getting well-serviced--but apparently, there are enough men out there, or women for that matter, degraded enough to opt for The Mooseknuckle of Big Bertha and Large Marge's Panoramic Horse's Ass instead-- because if that weren't true, these Bonerkill Abominations would naturally disappear from the rating-based ranking systems on porn sites, whose videos sort themselves by way of how many views they get. 


In high school, there was this 14 year old virgin Freshman we nicknamed "Clete, the Poochpumper," because he got stoned and fucked his dog. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but at least he had the excuse of being a stupid adolescent virgin with no porn or web access, and was likely raised by a set of disinterested government-cheese winners. So, horrifying? Yes--but it was a stupid mistake of youth--unlike the buttfucking-ugly human-horse fuckers filing up the porn sites these days.

Is there any greater proof than fat porn,  that society has totally given up on happiness altogether? 

There are few joys in life as pleasurable as a beautiful woman, and if losing interest in beauty one can access with a click of a mouse isn't a sure sign the world is breaking down, then what is?

This is how the world ends:

Not with a bang,  not with a whimper,

But with the deafening echo of hollow applause.

But with a click of the mouse,

And a dick that just no longer cares.

--T.S. Elliot: The Hollow Men and the Big Fat Bitches





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