Greetings and felicitations from everyone's favorite vampire. This post is for RANDOM posts and/or remarks regarding the commentary below. Feel free to post photos, memes, music, and so forth, but keep them tasteful, thanks.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states that American Citizens have the right to freedom of religion, of speech and of assembly. 

Here is the text for reference:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It is further implied that people have the right to freedom of association, as determined in NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958). That said, it therefore follows that, regardless of the opinions or disdain of others, people have the right to be bigots, prejudiced, or "racists" - the last a word so misused that it is now devoid of true meaning.

I had a "haranguer" a few days back, as I refer to them as. I never name them due to having no time for idiotic feuds with people that I do not know and will never meet. He accosted me over referring to Barack Obama as a mulatto muslim spy, and naturally called me a "racist" for saying so. I actually laughed at him, replied that he was ignorant, and that I did not value his opinion of me, as I considered the source. 

Clearly angered, he then told me that "racism" was wrong, repeatedly, to which I repeatedly asked: why? 

That remark infuriated him, and he unleashed a torrent of accusations that I was prejudiced and bigoted and intolerant and a nazi, and on and on and on. I was at first amused with his predictable reaction, and over the course of a few hours I repeatedly asked him as to "why" racism was "wrong".

I hold the position that "racism" is an inborn trait of all humanity, especially after seeing glaring examples of the phenomenon in Asians, Caucasians, and Negroes. I think "racism" is a vestige of evolution, and a product of the survival instinct, or quite simply "preferring those like yourself". That means that "racism" as a trait is neither right nor wrong, it simply exists, and it probably always will. Man is an animal driven by instinct, and many of our reactions are rooted in instinct, which has been proven by psychological studies of various types.

Anyway, the "haranguer" never did answer my interrogative, as I knew that he could not refute my position objectively, and he continued to evade and attack with standard Trotskyite/Alinskyite tactics, which I used right back at him, repeatedly asking him as to why "racism" was "wrong" in his view.

Finally, he bored me so much that I canned him, as his remarks had degenerated into a flurry of puerile ad hominems and name calling, which I have no time for at all.

That said, I figured I'd combine my observation commentary with a random thread so that people may engage each other with conversation unrelated to the article. I would like to know the opinions of others, yes, but many people, unfortunately, are uncomfortable with discussing the above, just as many people are uncomfortable discussing sex, which strikes me as ridiculous, but is nevertheless true.

I'm also considering creating a 'free for all' blog with most everything tolerated excepting for porn, excreta, or threats, to borrow a term from our friend BRAINSTORM. Blocking would be permitted, and banning of anyone would be kept at a minimum.

For example, Disqus poster "Shithead321" dislikes Disqus poster "Asshole 123", and vice versa. They can fight, or block each other; it is their choice. 

It is only an idea - what do YOU think?

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