The Truth About the Capitol Demonstration

The Truth About the Capitol Demonstration

--By Matthew Dunnyveg

Recently I was listening to another of these conspiracy theories claiming that our post-American liberal enemies wanted Americans to breach the Capitol. There is no good reason to believe this is the case. What I can't buy is that liberals wanted to draw attention to these protesters, thus causing people to wonder whether our grievances might be legitimate. Manchuria Joe's legitimacy is already in serious question. The last thing liberals want to do is to draw attention to this post-American scoundrel's legitimacy issues. Without legitimacy, no ruler can rule for long. They absolutely must control public opinion as well.

Of course, what I have to explain about these riots is why the police initially offered little resistance; in some cases they apparently moved barricades out of the way for the protesters. I've seen clips of cops waving these protesters through and stepping out of their way. Could this be because, since Americans are normally very well behaved, that we took our liberal masters completely by surprise? Just the opposite is the case with Antifa and BLM. Because they have criminally misbehaved rioting numerous times around DC, could it be that the Capitol police had standing orders to be very lenient and indulgent with protesters? And that the serious crackdown didn't occur until those orders were rescinded by horrified liberals? 

Per the master tactician Saul Alinsky, what these Americans did was stupid. Alinsky says to misbehave, but only in order to accomplish a specific goal. The smart tactic is to pick a battle that we can win, and then go all out proving we can win that battle. The only thing our liberal enemies will respect is success, which this certainly wasn't. There was no way these protesters were going to win their battle to stop the election of Manchuria Joe. Exactly what did these Americans accomplish other than proving they learned their lessons well from the liberals as to what tactics work and which do not? After all, how many Antifa and BLM have been arrested for trying to burn DC down? These Americans weren't trying to burn, destroy, or hurt anybody. These protesters weren't out to steal new televisions or other expensive luxury items. They were merely trying to make a political point, no matter how muddled. Political speech is the very essence of free speech, which is exactly what liberals are trying to deny to us.

As for the violence and deaths, liberals have been lecturing the rest of us all summer on why they had police to stand back and let the leftists riot, loot, maim, and murder innocent people for the crime of being different. It appears they were right. Other than the poor girl who was shot for no apparent reason, as far as I know, all the people who died or were injured were assaulted when the police were ordered to stop them as brutally and violently as possible. As such, these people should be subject to laws prohibiting trespassing and vandalism unless it can be proven they have done something more serious. The fact that liberals are talking about treason and insurrection charges only serves to reinforce my contention that their problem is hardly with criminality; they want to try these people for their political speech.

If we put up with becoming what the man liberals affectionately nicknamed "Uncle Joe" Stalin used to call former people, it's all over with. When liberals will lie with abandon to make us look bad, it should be obvious to one and all that they harbor a murderous hatred for us and won't hesitate to act on it.


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