These are only suggestions; research will have to be done as to procedures and logistics.

Lately it has come to our attention that Tech giants like Apple and Google are determined to crush any form of speech or dissent that does not align with their agendas. They do that by delisting the phone apps of social media sites that permit free speech and the free association of ideas.

Further, banks and credit card companies are also refusing to do business with those they do not approve of, which strangles the ability of alternative social media and/or news sites to expand and gain access to other markets.

Strange that Tech giants, multinational banks and credit card companies are allowed to discriminate against those whose worldviews they disagree with, but when it comes to the common man, we are not allowed to discriminate against those we disagree with.

It is abundantly clear that double standards, utter hypocrisy, mendaciousness and duplicity are traits of the manipulative talking apes collectively called man, who even has the ability to explain it all away by employing rhetoric, making it appear that he is being a prevaricating scoundrel in the name of "good" or "what is right".

The glaring problem is that "good" or "right", like "bad" or "wrong", are subjective terms, dependent on the viewpoint of any given individual.

What is needed are countermeasures to thwart such draconian measures designed to circumscribe free speech.

One way is to dump Google and Apple, and give your business to their competitors. The same can go for banks and credit card companies, but as they are little more than monopolies, such tactics are much more difficult.

Another way is to have alternative social media applications available via the hardware of each member, with dedicated social media email addresses available to share the software. This can be sketchy, as hackers can and will use it to disseminate malware and viruses, but that can be thwarted by checking your download/uploads with appropriate antivirus/antimalware applications.

As for monetary transactions, the best alternative is for a group of individuals to come together and charter their own banks to assist in the funding of alternative social media/news sites.

Truly trusting one another will be a near impossibility, as those in power have deliberately sown such untrust, with FBI and CIA operatives determined to destroy any dissent - like the modern KGB agents that they ARE.

In personal activities related to any of the above - beware of any "friends" who show up unannounced, five will get you ten they are government operatives out to frame you for something. Record and store any conversations with them, and share them with each other so that NO ONE HAS ANY SECRETS TO HIDE. It is more difficult to frame a group than to frame an individual; yes, they could always try a Randy Weaver or David Koresh on you as an alternative method of "pacifying" a given situation.

The creatures running this nation are monsters, dedicated to turning citizens into serfs. Most of them are alcoholic criminals, drug addicts, rapists and pedophiles - our laws do not apply to them, and if you get in their way - they will kill you.

Yes, the government has been hijacked from the citizens of the nation by gangsters who make Al Capone look like a saint. It and they are the ENEMIES OF FREEDOM, and they been the enemy of freedom for decades. Your best bet is to learn to use paranoia as an ally, and to temper paranoia with your best judgement.

They will do anything and everything to crush all dissent, up to and including framing you, or killing those close to you. I definitely expect them to screw with me, because I seem to think too much, and want to tell others of my thoughts, which are an unforgivable sin in Soviet America.

In closing, please feel free to offer any suggestions that can enhance the simple ideas I have brought forth. Thank you for reading.

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