Now that the election is over the media is reporting one scary fact about Joe Biden

 All hell is now breaking loose.

The cover-up that protected Joe Biden is no more.

And now that the election is over the media is reporting one scary fact about Joe Biden.

Throughout the Presidential campaign it became clear to many Americans that Joe Biden was not all there.

Biden would forget where he was.

The former Vice President would oftentimes not remember what office he was running for.

And on one occasion, Biden could not tell his wife apart from his sister.

But now that the election is over, even left-wing outlets are reporting the obvious: Joe Biden’s mental capabilities are fading.

A story in POLITICO contained an anecdote about how Biden could not remember what he said in speeches and needed constant reminders from his staff about what he previously spoke about.

For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.

“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”

These stories will likely continue to trickle out over the coming weeks and months because now Kamala Harris is Vice President.

Before, if the American people learned about Biden’s apparent decline it would have cost Democrats the election.

But now if word gets out that Biden is no longer mentally competent, he can easily be replaced with Kamala Harris.

Many Trump voters argued this was the plan all along.

And now it looks like the arrangement to move Biden out and replace him with Kamala Harris is in motion.

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