--By Matthew Dunnyveg

What follows is partly an OP I did on the real problems in our criminal justice system.  The insanity that has since transpired means this OP is in need of updating, which I have done.

We have spent much of 2020 living in a state of siege brought to us by Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).  Their stated reason for murdering at least thirty innocent people, maiming far more, and causing incalculable property damage is police misconduct toward black criminals.  There are two dynamics at work here.

The first dynamic is what has come to be known as "civil rights".  Liberals don't want us to know what this term means for good reason.  The first, and most important, civil right is the collective right of the group to pass its own laws and otherwise live according to its own values without any kind of permission from outsiders.  This is what we Americans call sovereignty or independence.  Without this right, no other rights are possible.

Is this what liberals are trying to do for blacks?  I think the answer is clearly yes.  In every case that has been brought to public attention, liberals are destroying, looting, maiming, and murdering to defend the alleged right of blacks to resist arrest, and thus be above the same laws we less exalted white Americans are expected to obey.  In other words, liberals want blacks to be a law unto themselves while liberals continue to decide what laws white Americans will live by.  It's civil rights for blacks, imperialism for liberals, and none of the above for us Americans.  It's a subtle way for post-American liberals to delegitimize America and Americans' right to our first civil right of independence.  When was the last time anybody acknowledged that the only civil rights blacks or whites enjoy in this country are their civil rights as Americans to rule ourselves?

The second dynamic entails the reality that liberalism is the entire system at war with all non-elites, including blacks.  Anybody remember the Clinton campaign commercials from 1996 that claimed every time a black voted Republican, another church burned?  Being a good liberal, Clinton had nothing good to offer non-elite blacks any more than he did non-elite whites.  

It was the same with Obama.  Even though Obama was black himself, the last thing he wanted was for blacks to start counting their blessing stemming from his tender mercies; they weren't supposed to notice that Baraq had done as little for blacks as he had done for non-elite whites.  Thus, aided and abetted by the liberal media, we spent months having to watch liberals attempt to lynch George Zimmerman, and later police officer Darren Wilson of Ferguson.  Both were exonerated, but both frauds had done their jobs; blacks voted for Baraq in excess of ninety percent.

The problem now is that Joe Biden isn't black, or even cogent anymore.  He is the most lackluster presidential candidate imaginable.  Blacks are even more unenthusiastic about Biden than whites are.  So, since these shabby political violence techniques worked so well for Clinton and Obama, we saw George Floyd and similar instances of black criminals getting what was coming to them for resisting arrest.

The problem for Democrats is that they have gone too far this time.  At the top of the list of virtues liberals lack is moderation.  For reasons too complex to describe here, we are watching Biden voters turn on other Biden voters, especially those who tried to swear fealty to Antifa and BLM.  This is why this election is now Trump's to lose.  But this doesn't mean that there aren't serious problems with our criminal justice system.  The reason these problems are never mentioned is that liberals couldn't care less about  the plight of ordinary people, including blacks; they are only concerned about their own wealth and power, power and wealth. 

How many innocent people languish in prisons? We'll likely never know the answer to this question because so many people have no choice but to put themselves there due to our corrupt liberal justice system. They are forced to plead guilty for things they never did. To add insult to injury, they are forced to admit their nonexistent guilt to be eligible for parole; those who are honest and refuse to admit guilt in these situations are punished by having to complete their entire sentences. Here is how it works:

Imagine being accused of a serious crime you didn't commit. The evidence against you is circumstantial but powerful. You would have two choices, plead guilty to something you didn't do to face a certain, though lighter, punishment. Or one could fight the charges by hiring attorneys that charge from three hundred to a thousand dollars an hour. At these prices, how much justice could the average American afford?

Oh, but it gets worse. As opposed to the plea bargain which would land the innocent in prison or on probations for a few years, fighting the charges and losing means decades, if not life, in prison.

Can it get even worse? Absolutely. Imagine you are broke but declared not guilty. If the Powers That Be wish to, they can then retry you on different charges for the same crime, and keep trying you until you are broke and have no choice but to plead guilty to something you didn't do. This is what happened to the police officers who did nothing wrong in the Rodney King trial.

Do we dare ask if things can get even worse than this? We'd be remiss if we didn't. James Fields, the poor fellow who panicked when liberals began beating his car with baseball bats, after the police forced him to go the way he did, will likely spend the rest of his life in prison for hate crimes. Fields' real crime was wishing to venerate, rather than desecrate, American history. Here is the best account of his story I've seen for those who aren't familiar with it:

If liberals can destroy the life of James Fields, whose only real crime was honoring American history, are any of us safe?

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