Oriental Racism and Stupidity

Sarah Jeung: Numba 1 White Hater, Numba 10 trillion everywhere else

Of all the stereotypes applied to different people, among the ones that rankle me the most is that "Orientals are smart." Note I don't use the word "Asians" to describe them, and that's deliberate; consider your shark fin, dog and roadkill-eating fuckin’ selves rucky that I'm being so fuckin’ tame. Anyway, my instant response to such statements is invariably BULL-FUCKING-SHIT.

I've worked with many, many orientals over the years, both as co-workers and customers, and the stereotype that all orientals are smart is just that...a stereotype. While many of them are pretty sharp, even more of them are among the dumbest and most moronic people I've ever had the misfortune of being exposed to, which doesn't really make them any different from any other people. Regarding racism, they're no slouches in that department by a long shot. Here are some of my favorite examples:

A visitor from Taiwan who insisted that we go to a restaurant where the chances of black people being there was minimal. On the way there, he talked in a manner that would have made Donald Trump cringe.

Some customers from Japan who were on a plant tour; I heard one of them say, "I not rearize Ros Angeres so crose to Mexico. It very dirty here." I almost pissed myself from laughter.

Someone from South Korea who told me that "Americans are white, but British are red...otherwise, you all look same to me."

And, last but not least, the tweets (or tweeats, combing tweets with twats?) and utterances of the lovely pan-faced zipperhead mannish-looking cunt Sarah Jueng of the New York Times, whose expressions of absolute hatred and contempt toward white people are too numerous to list. Hmmm…approx. 53,000 mostly white male Americans were killed to make her fucking ugly, kimchee-fed, gook ass’s life possible in the first place. Talk about ingratitude!

Speaking of Koreans, another time at work, we were going to have some guys from South Korea visiting us. The boss, who was new, wanted me to conduct the tour, but I was busy on a red alert customer emergency, so he had to do it. I told him that he should expect a barrage of annoying and frivolous questions, that they would surround anyone working on something with all of their faces about two inches away from the person they were observing, and that if they saw something they thought was wrong or out of place, they would all zero in on it and go out of their way to make him look stupid. The boss took great exception to my advice and said I was being a racist, but being a veteran of numerous such visits, I shrugged it off. Toward the end of the day, he called me into his office and said that I called it to a "T"; everything I told him about happened.

Jews the world over are stereotyped as being penny-pinchers, but orientals the world over out-Jew Jews every fucking day of the week and five times on a Saturday in the fields of stinginess and money-grubbing. Take just about any Jewish joke, replace the word “Jew” with “oriental”, and voila! Oriental charity is an oxymoron, just like British cuisine, French victory, German pacifist, and Mexican intellectual. They are extraordinarily demanding, yet don’t give very much in return, which puts them almost in the same category as the British.

And, lest the leftist-liberal-tree-huggers express a desire to see me lowered into a vat of boiling oil, I also must point out that orientals are the Numba One killers of magnificent and beautiful animals. Tigers are killed for their dicks. Bears are killed for their gall bladders. Rhinos are killed for their horns, which are ground into powder and used as an aphrodisiac; just what the world needs, more orientals and less rhinos! Sharks are de-finned and cruelly dumped back into the water. Much like feral pigs, their “cosmopolitan” tastes obliterate everything that they get their little fucking hands on.

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