Dear Readers,

I apologize for bringing such a somber Christmas message, but this subject must be addressed. This nation is divided as never before in the lifetimes of every living American. 

110 years of mendacity and duplicity by politicians of both parties is now taking its toll, with Americans of every stripe at each other's throats. The nation has always had its problems, from the Whiskey Rebellion to the First Civil War, but never in my life have I seen it as bad as it has become, and it is rapidly growing worse. 

I have been blithely told, on the Internet and to my face, that I should be killed for daring to disagree with what has been promoted by the MSM with regard to the election. I have been told I am a 'traitor' and that I am "either for them or against them". That kind of rhetoric does not bode well for the future existence of this nation, or myself for that matter.

The average citizen is woefully ignorant of what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights actually means. I have had drooling, moronic fools repeatedly tell me that the Bill of Rights "is a set of rules for the people to follow". I do not know how any rational mind can come to such a ludicrous conclusion, considering the contents of the Bill of Rights, and especially the Ninth Amendment.

It is plainly evident that most Americans, especially those under 40, are so pathetically stupid that they do not realize that their rights have been usurped and many of our current laws are blatantly unconstitutional. Nor can they even begin to tell you why such laws are unconstitutional, as they have never read the Constitution. This is not a natural phenomenon; it was deliberately planned, as far back as the late nineteenth century. An educated population cannot be duped as effectively as current Americans have been. 

Criminal politicians have worked diligently for over 100 years to make the electorate dependent and dimwitted, as we have watched ourselves grow ever poorer and more enslaved, whereas they have grown ever richer and more powerful. Now they DICTATE to US, rather then US dictating to THEM, as they are our EMPLOYEES and nothing more.

Just look at what passes for education these days, we have high school graduates who can barely add and subtract, and, if lucky, they have the reading comprehension abilities of fourth graders. They know nothing about American history, but can tell you the latest sports stats or who their favorite 'musician' is - that is if you want to call the inane, violence promoting, droning rhyming of evident paranoids 'music'.

It is the DUTY of every American citizen to READ the Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments. After reading the document, you will discover that:

The Selective Service Act of 1917 is unconstitutional, as is the Sedition Act of 1918, the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Smith Act of 1940, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Patriot Act of 2001. 

Simply contrast those laws with US Constitutional Amendments from the First to the Fourteenth, and you will see exactly what I am referring to when I state that such freedom-robbing laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It will be interesting to see if readers can discern as to why the above laws are unconstitutional, and which Amendments, or groups of Amendments, specifically prohibit the above laws.

There are many other unconstitutional laws on the books, but the above selections are the most glaring examples of a government gone mad - intent on destroying the rights of the American citizenry with the agenda of extending its own power.

That said, the politicians of this dying nation, from commissioners to presidents - are our SERVANTS - not our MASTERS. It is time to assert our sovereignty and remove those intent on enslaving us using any means necessary.

Please feel free to make your thoughts known on the subject of a second civil war, and your thoughts on the unconstitutional usurpment of our rights as sovereign American citizens.

Thank you for reading this missive, and, for whatever it may be worth, Merry Christmas to you.

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