We Reserve the Right

 Of all the signs one faces and occasionally reads whenever they enter a business, the ones that say things like "We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone" and "No Loitering" are usually among them. They are also among the things that seem to be falling victim to that hideous disease known as political correctness. Call me old fashioned, but if someone is acting like an obnoxious asshole, they are usually asked to leave. If they walk into a place and occupy space without ordering anything, they are usually asked to leave. If they smell so fucking bad that vultures are circling overhead, they are usually asked to leave.

Not any more. Unless you’re a straight white male, especially one wearing a MAGA hat or anything and everything even remotely resembling one, the world is now both your oyster and your toilet. As long as you’re not an ESWM (Evil Straight White Male, as if there are any other kind), laws and customs in place for hundreds, if not thousands of years no longer apply to you. Those vicious, nefarious, oppressive, racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic assholes can be denied service regardless of how they conduct themselves, but smelly, loud, rude, non-paying and offensive slime of all descriptions get the red carpet treatment, as long as they aren’t the dreaded Evil Ones.

I worked in the food service industry when I was a teenager and some retail after that, so I know what assholes the masses generally can be and often are. I never put any bodily fluids or secretions in the food, although I was tempted on numerous occasions. Of course, being a consumer, I have also had more than my share of attitudinal employees, so there’s that. What I do clearly remember is that whatever and wherever it was, if someone was acting like an asshole, they were shown the door; on one occasion, I saw someone open the door with their very own head as they were being literally thrown out of it. That’s one of the biggest problems in the world as far as I’m concerned. As if being an asshole isn’t bad enough, now it seems that it a RIGHT to be a total, complete, and absolute stupid ass-fucking-hole.

Anyway, I thought I’d assemble a cross-section of some (asshole?) employees who felt the need to strike back at (asshole?) customers, even at the risk of their jobs:

Apparently this person is fond of color-coding groups of customers. I wonder how they would describe other patrons:

Mr. Brown clearly makes friends everywhere he goes:

Orientals seem to bring out the very best in some people:


Various Quality of Life issues seem to be addressed with these messages:

I find it supremely ironic that this came out of New Orleans:

This person probably didn't vote for Obama:

Spiritual leaders and religious fanatics are people too. Leave it to the Reverend Paul Bergmann of this church to show his tender and merciful side and make a lost soul feel right at home:

And last but not least, this insurance agent who resides near San Francisco. I wonder if he insures liberal Jews?

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