Littlefield Cold War Tank Collection

Aimed right atcha

American M35 105mm self-propelled gun

American M41 with 76mm gun

American M53 155mm self-propelled gun

American M55 8-inch self-propelled gun

American M60A3 with 105mm gun

American M60A2 with 152mm gun/Shillelagh missile launcher

American M103 with 120mm gun

American M110A2 8-inch self-propelled gun

American M114 Cavalry vehicle

M551 Sheridan with 152mm gun/ Shillelagh missile launcher (also on the M60A2)

152mm high-explosive round and a Shillelagh

Breech of 90mm gun

British Centurion with 105mm gun

British Chieftains with 120mm gun

British Conqueror with 120mm gun

British Fox armored car with 30mm gun

British Scorpion light tank with 76mm gun

Czech M53/59 twin 30mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns

Czech T-55

French Mk 61 105mm self-propelled gun

French Panhard AML armored car with 90mm gun

French Panhard EBR armored car with 75mm gun

French Panhard M3 armored personnel carrier

Israeli M3 half-track with three .50's and a .30

Israeli Super Sherman with 75mm gun

Everybody should have at least one Scud launcher

Soviet 2S1 122mm self-propelled gun

Soviet 2S7 203mm self-propelled gun

Soviet BRDM armored car with 14.5mm machine gun

Soviet JS-3 with 122mm gun

Soviet PT-76 amphibious light tank with 76mm gun

Soviet T-62 with 115mm gun

Soviet ZPU-4 quad 14.5mm anti-aircraft guns

Soviet ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle with quad 23mm cannons

Soviet/East German T-72 with 125mm gun

Swiss Panzer 68 with 105mm gun

Soviet T-55 - This vehicle was in the 1996 movie Mars Attacks

West German Leopard 1 with 105mm gun

West German Marder infantry fighting vehicle with 20mm gun
West German SPz 11-2 with 20mm gun

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