Littlefield WW2 Tank Collection

British 17-pounder (77mm) anti-tank gun

British Vickers Mark V light tank

German 88mm FlaK 36 anti-aircraft/anti-tank gun

German BMW R75

German FlaK 38 20mm anti-aircraft gun

German Hetzer tank destroyer with 75mm gun

German Kubelwagen

American M3 Grant - 75mm HE and 37mm AP

American M3 Grant direct front

American M3 half-track

American M4 Sherman Jumbo

American M4 Sherman with 75mm gun

American M5 Stuart with 37mm gun

American M18 Hellcat with 76mm gun

American M26 Pershing with 90mm gun

American M29 Weasel

British Matilda Mark II with 2-pounder (40mm) gun

German Nebelwerfer 150mm rocket launcher

German PaK 36 37mm anti-tank gun with shaped-charge projectile

German PaK 40 75mm anti-tank gun

German Panther A with 75mm gun

German Panzer I -  The "G" on the right front stands for "Guderian" and was captured outside Moscow late in 1941

German Panzer IV with 75mm gun

French Renault FT from WW1

Some cool guns
Soviet PTRD 14.5mm anti-tank rifle with a BAR and a MG34 - I picked up the last two when nobody was looking : )

German Schwimmwagen amphibious Kubelwagen

German SdKfz 2

German SdKfz 9 - This vehicle was seen in The Dirty Dozen

German SdKfz 10 towing FlaK 38 20mm anti-aircraft gun

German SdKfz 222 armored car, the only one left

German SdKfz 251 half-track

German SturmGeschutz (StuG) III 75mm assault gun

Soviet T-34/76 (76mm gun). The Germans called them Mickey Mouse because of the turret hatches

Soviet T-34/85 (85mm gun)

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