Greetings to all from everyone's favorite vampire!

I figured I'd try my hand on an article that is not quite political but definitely generates controversy, the concept of the "unalienable right" to free speech. 

Currently, free speech is coming under fire from many on the far left. They wish to silence those they disagree with by labeling their remarks as "hate speech", and demand that "offensive" remarks be censored. They are even floating the idea that those who utter opinions they dislike should be arrested, as in the city of New York with regard to the utterance of the phrase "illegal alien".

That stated, I do not at all think that our rights are "unalienable" or come from some god, as our rights can easily be curtailed by our fellow man by employing martial law. Martial law is a glaring proof that our rights vanish like a fart in the wind if circumstances become unfavorable for whatever reason, or if some despot gets a hair up his ass and decides that he needs to play god. Speaking of god - I have never read in any religious text that man has any sort of rights: god-given or otherwise.

Moving on, I got the idea for this article from posts I made earlier regarding the First Amendment and a talentless, trash singer called Eminem whose latest shit screed could be construed as a threat against the president. I read his incoherent "lyrics" and they strike me more as the squawkings of a barely literate teenager than any sort of threat to anyone. The other was an article that stated that Americans want "hate speech" to be prohibited by law and people jailed for dissent.

Fucked up, for sure.

That only proves that many Americans today are uneducated fools with no concept of freedom with regard to opinion, conscience, or association. Here's the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What is so fucking hard to understand about that? Hate speech laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, period.

Anyway, I support unfettered freedom of speech and no governmental interference in the exercise of free speech. This includes the right ALL people have to promote their worldviews, whether they are popular or not.

I support the right of the people to promote all forms of political speech, as follows:

I support the right of fascists, communists and socialists to promote their worldviews. I also support the right of Democrats, Republicans. Libertarians and anarchists to promote their worldviews.

I support the right of the KKK to be racists, and state they hate blacks, Catholics, Druids, and rusty Ford Fairlanes.

I support the right of the Black Panthers to be racists and state they hate whites, Asians, mayonnaise, Uncle Toms and anyone else they choose to detest.

I support the right of La Raza to be racist and state they hate blacks, whites, the fucking Frito Bandito and anyone else that they choose to condemn.

Quite simply, I support the right of ANY racial group to promote THEIR INTERESTS over other racial groups. You see, PEOPLE DO have the right to discriminate - the GOVERNMENT does not. That's why no one is allowed to challenge the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as any normal court would declare the act UNCONSTITUTIONAL, with regard to the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments.

I also support the right of the people to promote religious or antireligious propaganda of all types. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and atheists all have the right to promote their various dogmas or the lack thereof; as do all followers of lesser-known faiths, even a follower of a religion of one.

As an example, the Westboro Baptist Church has the right to state that "God Hates Fags", although, if god does exist - why did it create fags in the first place - does it need something to hate??? I suspect that fags are born that way and that god is a conjecture at best and a lie at worst, but that is only my personal opinion.

Even something like flag burning is freedom of speech, especially if that flag being burned belongs to the person burning it. Really folks, if a material object becomes more important than the rights of the person possessing it, then the First Amendment isn't worth the parchment it is written on.

Freedom of Speech in all forms is necessary for FREEDOM!

What do YOU think?

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