Navy SEALS defy Biden


Thirty-five Navy SEALs just defied Joe Biden on this massively illegal order

Joe Biden operating as a lawless President just hit a major roadblock.

It came from the U.S. military.

And thirty-five Navy SEALs just defied Joe Biden on this massively illegal order.

Thirty-five Navy SEALs challenged Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for the military on the grounds that it violated their First Amendment rights to the free exercise of religion by forcing them to violate their religious beliefs under threat of being kicked out of the military or facing court martial.

“As a result of their sincerely held religious beliefs regarding life and abortion, multiple Plaintiffs are unable to receive any of the COVID-19 vaccines due to what they believe and understand is a connection between these vaccines and their testing, development, or production using aborted fetal cell lines,” the Navy SEALs lawsuit read.

The lawsuit stated that while the Navy has the ability to grant a religious exemption, the Biden administration has not granted a single religious exemption to the vaccine mandate.

The Navy SEALs are among America’s most highly trained and skilled military forces.

Even removing 35 Navy SEALs from the service significantly weakens America.

But much like the border crisis Biden intentionally conjured up, this move was not made without knowing the consequences it had for America.

Critics contend that Joe Biden imposed a hard and fast coronavirus vaccine mandate in order to weed out anyone from the military who did not vote for him and therefore might question Biden’s leadership.

Earlier this year, Biden ordered an unprecedented stand down in order to identify and weed out so-called “extremists” and “white supremacists” in the armed forces.

In reality, this meant separating out anyone who opposed Joe Biden too loudly or publicly.

America’s Founders wrote civilian control of the military into the Constitution to prevent the armed forces from serving the president as opposed to the nation.

But Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate and hunt for so-called “domestic extremists” is designed to subvert one of America’s most important founding principles.

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