Joe Biden blows gasket


Joe Biden and the Woke Mob blew a gasket over this captain’s two holiday displays that everyone needs to see

Joe Biden’s presidency is circling the drain.

Americans are getting sick and tired of his constant failure.

And Joe Biden and the Woke Mob blew a gasket over this captain’s two holiday displays that everyone needs to see.

And a creative winner at a boat parade caused Joe Biden and Woke Mob to blow a gasket.

Yorktown, Virginia, where American Patriots won our nation’s Independence when they stuck their boot up British tyrants backside in 1781, is back in the national news.

The annual Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade apparently is now under siege by modern tyrants.

And a creative winner at a boat parade caused Joe Biden and Woke Mob to blow a gasket.

The news comes as Americans continue expressing their frustration with Joe Biden – the worst President since Jimmy Carter.

Biden is as popular as a root canal and the chant “F*** Joe Biden!” turned into a viral phenomenon spontaneously breaking out at sporting events across the country.

After a reporter told a victorious NASCAR driver a crowd chanting “F*** Joe Biden!” was chanting “Let’s Go Brandon” that phrase exploded in popularity.

The cleaner version of “F*** Joe Biden!” became even more popular than the original in response to the corporate-controlled media’s pathetic attempts to cover for Biden.

Now those phrases, along with the shorthand FJB, are sweeping the nation and inspired Bill Berger’s theme this year for the annual Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade.

The winning boat captained by Berger displayed the messages loud and clear to Biden.

In lights at the top of the boat were “FJB” and “Let’s Go Brandon.”

As news of the winning boat spread, the Cancel Mob jumped in and his victory was overturned.

The Yorktown Foundation which oversees the parade bowed to the radical left and rescinded the award.

The Foundation claimed its non-profit status didn’t allow it to be involved in political speech.

This is of course a bogus excuse to avoid admitting to leftist political pressure.

Captain Berger had his own thoughts on the situation.

He said, “When we left, we were declared the winner.”

“48 hours later it was stripped from us and I think it’s from pressure,” he continued.

He stated that on the application for the parade he clearly said the theme for his boat was “Let’s Go Brandon.”

The head of the Foundation, Walt Akers, even conceded that the crowd cheered loudly for the boat.

Akers complimented the boat saying, ““It was very well lit, it was a beautiful boat.”

The Foundation said they would work to make sure something like this would never happen again.

Berger said he had no regrets and was having fun with it.

Unfortunately as news of his boat made the national media he said he had received threats against himself and his boat.

When the local news asked why Berger went with that theme he bluntly replied, “We have a horrible president.”

The Yorktown Foundation should be ashamed. That they did this in Yorktown where America won its independence is an absolute disgrace.

No matter what happens going forward it’s clear that grassroots energy of “Let’s Go Brandon” is here to stay.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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