It's Just The Internet
Why do people take the Disqus opinions/comments of others so seriously? I was thinking about this last night. When I get bothered by something I read, I remind myself that the solution is incredibly easy: turn it off and walk away, towards the real world. For instance, if the internet should ever get shut down, all of this nonsense goes away.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my time on Disqus and probably will never leave, but let's face it, it's not real. I have tried to make it real at times, only to get slapped back into reality.
And then there are the worthless human beings---at least I assume they are human 😏--who troll you, thinking they are having this intense negative effect on your life. LOL
Let's be honest, life was probably much nicer in our parents' time, pre-internet, when people spent time together and didn't waste hours of their lives chatting with faceless words on a laptop.
What say you? 🤔