The Pope and the LGTB


What a priest with ties to Pope Francis said about LGBT Pride month will infuriate you

Virtually every major brand is finding ways to celebrate so-called LGBT “Pride” month.

One would hope that the Catholic Church wouldn’t buy into it.

But what a priest with ties to Pope Francis said about LGBT Pride month will infuriate you.

For centuries, the Catholic Church has stood up for the traditional family, realizing that marriage can only truly be between a man and a woman. 

Not only is that the natural order of things, it is God’s command.

Despite this, there have been pro-LGBT voices within the Church.

Pope Francis at one point even backed civil union laws for homosexual couples. 

In the documentary film Francesco, Pope Francis said, “Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.”

Later the Vatican took action in response to pressure, and tried to downplay his comment.

And earlier this year, the Vatican made clear in a statement that the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions, stating that God “can’t bless sin.”

Following this order, left-wing priests and bishops across the world spoke out, with some publicly stating they would defy the order. 

One of the priests who led that effort is Father James Martin.

LifeSiteNews describes him as “the most outspoken force within U.S. Catholicism for the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism within the Church.”

And now he is doubling down in his support for the LGBT agenda. 

In a video tweet, Martin encouraged Catholics to celebrate so-called LGBT “Pride” month.

He claims that “Pride” month is “a celebration of the human dignity of a group of people who have been for so long treated like dirt.” 

Martin continued, stating, “Just because you celebrate pride doesn’t mean you have to agree with what every video, every article, or even every float in a parade has to say.”

Father Martin is a very influential figure in the church. 

He is one of the most well-known Jesuits in the church today, with Pope Francis, who is the first Jesuit Pope, being the most famous. 

Along with Martin sharing his Jesuit connection with Pope Francis, Martin also writes at the Vatican-run news website Vatican News, which operates under the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

A figure with such close ties to Pope Francis promoting homosexuality and transgenderism should concern any faithful Catholic.

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