
This article was created to give the reader ideas on what I call "creative propaganda" for fun or profit. America is a a crossroads; it is headed for the disaster of totalitarianism, or a return to liberty, via a civil war that now seems inevitable. 

That noted, I am a supporter of liberty, in fact, I am somewhat liberal when it comes to social issues. I hold a live and let live stance that only changes when a particular agenda is being forced down the throats of the citizenry by special interest groups and a decadent government that backs them. Quite simply, I couldn't care less if someone is a cross dresser, tattooed from head to toe, who worships Mephistopheles and is as queer as a three dollar bill - as long as they do not try to force their worldview or preferences on other people.  There, I draw the line, based on the First Amendment, and the right of people to discriminate and associate with whom they please.

I have watched for decades as the obviously fascist far left has applied Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to almost everything they promote. One of the most effective tactics they utilize is rumor and innuendo, in determined attempts to intimidate those they have targeted. If a moderate or conservative opponent makes a statement, they immediately take the remark and twist it, taking it out of context, or even edit the statement to make it appear that their target has stated the exact opposite of what was said.

Rather then calling their accusers the liars that they are; those so intimidated usually attempt to "clarify" their statement, making the original attack even more effective as it has knocked the intimidated off balance, forcing them to dwell on a contrivance that never truly existed in the first place, much to the satisfaction of the fascist far left. It clouds the issue and alters the perception of the individual attacked, which is the goal.

Some reading may take issue at my term "fascist far left" - tell me - what the would you call them? Their agenda is to intimidate the opposition and control the thoughts of the people, by censoring any opposing point of view. Now that they are out of the closet, they want to make speech that they disprove of illegal and have blatantly said so. Censoring speech is not what Madison or Jefferson would have endorsed, but such actions would have been enthusiastically supported by those like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, or Chairman Mao.

At this point I must address the Nazism versus communism argument. Some try to say that the Nazis were far right, which is one of the most idiotic assertions I have ever heard. Sure, Nazism is right of communism, but both are totalitarian left wing ideologies that take sovereign power from the people, where it belongs, and concentrates it in the hands of the State/Party, usually headed by a dictator, who tells everyone how to behave and conduct their lives. Both have or had their sadistic secret police forces, and both have seized all armaments from the citizenry so their power may be wielded against the people without any possibility of reprisal to the oppressor. 

That's why they want your guns. 

Overall, the ONLY difference between "socialism", "Nazism" and "communism" are who controls the PRODUCTION of goods.

In communism, the state controls all major economic activity, whereas in Nazism and its slightly defanged sister socialism, the method is state controlled crony capitalism. Just look at today's China - they are NAZIS, not communists, a corrupt clique of Chinese billionaires whose wealth would make rich hypocrites like Lenin or Castro blush. All three systems employ the same tactics, and achieve the same results, which at worst is massive bloodshed of the people, while the monsters who run such societies smile, prosper and claim the citizenry are the "freest people on earth". Use your brain, and you will see what I have written is the truth. Americans are victims of propaganda, and all successful propaganda depends on being perceived as truth. Having had decades with which to refine it, the propaganda of today is cunningly so well packaged that even the discerning can be fooled.

That brings us to the concept of using their own tactics against them. Those who are adept at creating believable opposition propaganda should first read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", and apply them to the situations of today. One of Alinsky's best ideas is to take a particular concept and concentrate on it in the same fashion as attacking a target until it is totally destroyed. Many of the far left opposition are brazen hypocrites; that idea can be seized upon in an effort to discredit them, or one can go all out and simply lie, employing the same tactics the left has employed to discredit those they oppose. Some may consider that suggestion immoral; well, all the morality in the universe is not going to defeat an intransigent enemy that considers immorality as a virtuous trait. Aside from that, all moralities are constructs from the mind of man and nothing more; they are rooted in absolutely nothing.

This is a war, people, a war to the death between despots and free men, the despots of America being the fascist far left, career politicians disguised as "Democrats", and the state controlled, Goebbelsian media, along with totalitarian billionaire nazis like Bezos, Dorsey, Gates and Zuckerberg - to name only a few. 

Using the latter men as an example, one can focus on their, shall I say, rather unusual looks for starters, or one can "embellish" their personal proclivities, depicting them as deviates, fetishists or perverts. Hell, all of them probably are perverts, fetishists or deviates of some kind anyway. Further, one can even use a "spiritual" route of defamatory propaganda, claiming that any or all of them are "Satanists", or perhaps secret radical muslims sworn to destroy America and what it stands for. All that is needed is for the attacker to concentrate on whatever apparent weakness is perceived. 

An example is Jack Dorsey - at 44 years of age he is some sort of bizarre, dead-eyed, bearded recluse who hasn't been seen with too many women, if any women at all. In any normal man's mind, Dorsey is one of two things: an ascetic - or a queer. 

I opt for the latter - I reckon Dorsey goes for the stiff meat whistles. By the eyes he may even be some sort of dope fiend. Hell, with the money he has he can buy personal physicians who will prescribe him anything, perhaps even monthly doses of "therapeutic little boys" for pleasure purposes, if he is so inclined. 

Moving on, the sinister Jeff Bezos is a bald headed, greed driven weirdo who looks like Daddy Warbucks, Lex Luthor or perhaps even something from Batman. His Washington Post propaganda rag is devoted to promoting his agenda at the expense of the American people, who have been lured in by his hawking of cheap, slave-made Chinese junk delivered to their doors. 

Perma-geek Bill Gates is some sort of disheveled, clumsy, freakish serial philanderer who looks like a cross between Alfred E. Neuman and a box turtle. The rich son of a millionaire lawyer, pervert Gates masquerades as a self made man and philanthropist, when in reality he stole everything he has from companies like IBM and Xerox with the help of his father.

Last but not least, is that putty-faced thing calling itself Mark Zuckerberg. He looks like Data from Star Trek, or should I say his brother Lore. Zuckerberg and his CIA/NSA data mine Facebook was created to acquire information with regard to practically everyone on the planet, and that endeavor has made that mannequinesque, android creature billions of dollars that he uses to buy elections and Congressmen.

Drawing on the above guidelines, select your target and seize any unusual idiosyncratic trait that can be capitalized upon, using the same tactics that Alinskyite left wing trolls use to facilitate their agenda of discrediting those they oppose. I've seen their remarks regarding various political figures or other individuals they do not like, accusing them of racism, bigotry, sexual deviancy, and a plethora of other uncomplimentary actions. The objective is to discredit and eventually render the opponent innocuous - using any means necessary. It is time that their opposition does the same.

Offered below are two sample examples of "propaganda" designed to alter the perception of individuals in the public eye. Whether such examples are true or false is irrelevant, the idea is to present each character in a different light than they are usually perceived.

As usual, I expect this article will make no difference at all, just like anything else I have ever written, good luck and thanks for reading!

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