I've recently ventured into retro-gaming and rigged my Nvidia Shield TV Android device with some game emulators using RetroArch... notably the Nintendo N64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo NES, PlayStation 1, Sega Mega Drive and various arcade games; and what game emulator setup would be complete without Super Mario 3???

Below is a bit of some behind the scenes history, followed by a play-through video of one of the most successful video game titles ever created.

An honorable mention goes out to Super Tux. Super Tux is a very exceptional clone of Super Mario 3 employing the character "Tux" (mascot of Linux) as the protagonist in the story.  Functionally, it's on par with SM3 and also has some very clever theme music interwoven though the different levels.

Gameplay in Super Tux is similar to that of Super Mario 3  with the major differences being Tux can't fly like Mario, nor has a swatting tail. :(  But, Tux can jump under bonus blocks marked with question marks to gain coins or retrieve power-ups such as the egg, which makes Tux bigger and allows him to take an extra hit before dying. Other objects such as trampolines and invincibility granting stars can also be obtained from these blocks.

Super Tux was originally created by Bill Kendrick as a enthusiast project, and is maintained by the Super Tux Development Team. Many of the in-game graphics were created by Ingo Ruhnke, author of Pingus.

Super Tux is made available completely free of charge without any hooks, gimmicks or tricks to entrap a person into donating to the project, and can be downloaded here.

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