Pelosi accuses Trump of Wanting to Suppress the Vote

 Every election season the Democrats bring out the same tired handbook of attacks that they always do and this season is no exception.

You have been hearing, and can expect to hear more, that Republicans and President Donald Trump want to end Social Security, give tax breaks to the rich, are racists and they want to suppress the vote, as WCSI reported.

House Speaker and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who is pushing the voter suppression nonsense, described it in 2018 as the “wrap up smear” and she has perfected it.

“You demonize — we call it the wrap-up smear. You want to talk about politics? It’s a wrap-up smear. You smear somebody with a falsehood and then you merchandise it, and then you write it and they’ll say, ‘see, it’s reported in the press that this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear and then it’s called a ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I am going to merchandise the press’ report on the smear that we made. It’s a tactic,” she said.

Pelosi was not admitting to using this smear. She was accusing Republicans of doing it, but she certainly does appear to be an expert at doing exactly that.

“Don’t pay any attention to what the president is saying because it is all designed to suppress the vote,” she said at a rare Saturday press  conference prior to a vote on a bill to fund the U.S. Postal Service.

Pelosi and Democrats have accused Trump of trying to sabotage the November election by delaying the mail and peddling misinformation about mail-in voting.

Now they say Trump is deploying more voter suppression tactics by suggesting he’ll send law enforcement to polling places to monitor the election.

“Why would he do that, except to scare people off?” she said. “It’s in their playbook that they’ll have people intimidated to vote by having ICE agents … or other law enforcement there to instill fear in people as they show up … It’s scary but ignore that. It’s a suppress-the-vote tactic.”

The president, who is suspicious of mail-in voting being done on a grand scale has warned of potential fraud. In an interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday he said that he would like to have law enforcement at the polls to make certain that there are no shenanigans.

“We’re going to have everything,” he said. “We’re going to have sheriffs, and we’re going to have law enforcement, and we’re going to have, hopefully, U.S. attorneys, and we’re going to have everybody, and attorney generals. But it’s very hard.”

He said that states, in particular states that are run by Democrat governors, could play games with how they mail the ballots to voters.

“They may send them to all Democrat areas and not to Republican areas, as an example. It could be the other way, too, but I doubt it,” he said.

The idea that an entire nation of more than 300 million people can vote by mail and have those votes counted in time for the inauguration appears to be absurd. One should wonder why the Democrats are pushing for it.

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