Some Band Name Suggestions

A couple of years ago some fellow bloggers and I were on the topic of the Russian so-called musical group “Pussy Riot”. Although their so-called “music” is about as pleasant as getting teeth pulled through your ass while being waterboarded with liquid nitrogen and getting bitch-slapped by a Grizzly bear, we had to give them credit for their name. There’s so much in a name, so here’s some of the more stupid-yet-probably-appropriate names we came up with:

The Panty Oysters
M4 - Maniacal Menstrual Male Manglers
The Cotton Ponies
25 Orgasms
FOM - Fuck Off, Mister
FOAM - Fuck Off All Men
Ice Cream of Jeannie
Hello Shitty
Toxic Shock and the Syndromes
Hymen Holocaust Revenge
The Red Hot Chili Periods
The Turkey Basters
The Weenie Roasters
The Tightie Whities
The Casual Homewreckers
Louisa Mae Bloodclot.
Queen Clitoria's Climax Band
The PMS Orchestra
The Vagisillies
The Tubal Ligation Tautology
That Not So Fresh Feeling
Scrotum Snatchers
The Landing Strips
Vengeful Vulvas
The Lickety Splits
Jonestown Lipstick
Mobile Mascara Massacre
WMD - Women of Mass Destruction
Harley Davidson Vibrator
Kick Stand Dream
3.8 Kids
The Shocky Moms
Crimson Skid Mark
Bitchy Little Sister
Vulva Gestapo
4 Kids 4 Dads
Naughtia Comascreechie


The Bombastic British Butt-Noids
The Gay Greek Oil Massagers
Kraut Katastrophe
The Flaming French Sewer Workers
Abnormal Norwegian Schmegma
The Shark Finns
Swedish Meatball Orgy
Rectal Russian Roulette
Shattered Ukrainian Kranium
Bulgarian Trouser Bulge
Serbian Herbal Enema
Kroation Klux Klam
Swiss Cheese Scrotum Gargle
Romanian Rectum Rippers
The Dead Ceacescus


The Raspberias
The Kruschev Groove
Vlad Lenin and the Plastic Mono Band
The Molotov Cocktail Twins
The Police State
Chubby Chernenko
Veruca Saltmines
30 Seconds over Gromyko
My Chemical Weapons
The Commissars

Harry Potter:

Snapes' Sphincter
Hagrid's Taint
The Weasly Wankers
Hermione's Cherry
Bellatrix Fellatrix
Voldemort's Colon
Longbottom Scrotum
Malfoy's Buttplug
Dumbledore and the Dildo Twins
The Sirius Black-Smiths
Millions of Dead Muggles
The Ministry of Magic Mike

Looney Tunes:
Thugs Bunny
Daffy Dick
The Tasmanian Tweaker Devils
Porker Pig
Vile E. Coyotepee (The “E” stands for Enema)
Foghorn Leghorny
Marvin and the Tranny Martians
The Roadblock Runners
Elmer Fuddgepacker
Pepe le Spew
Speedfreak Gonzalez
Tweety and the Whistleblowers

Sesame Street:

Snuffy's Smegma
Tickle me Enema
Grover's Goiter
Fist-Bert and Anal Ernie
Big Bird's Footlong
Mr. Hooper's Broomcloset
The Orgasmic Oscar Experience
GREEN, muthafucka, feat. Kermit da Thug
Count Biznatch
Tully and the Testicles

South Africans:

Krugerrandy Warhol
The Segregators
Diamonds Were Forever
Apartheid and Seek
The Soweto Decorators

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