A note from VJ...


One of the purposes of this blog is to promote my book Dark Resurrection and get people to read the story. I have been neglecting that task due to several factors. One, I want to keep people interested in this blog by posting my favorite movies and the like. Two, not having time to devote to this blog due to the need to earn money by my Ebay presence. Three, working repairing wiring harnesses for trucks at a towing company. Money is very tight and I'm honestly overwhelmed by the tasks before me. I confess that I am rather discouraged as well, having tried to market my work for 17 long years with no real success. Albert Einstein made blunt remarks regarding such repetitive actions and was not at all complimentary in doing so. I do wish, perhaps foolishly, that I could earn a living from writing or blogging, but it is plainly evident to me that it is not going to happen.

At any rate, I would like to put up the book in the fashion I did on the Disqus channels, chapter by chapter, for entertainment - and honest critique from my readers. I want to make an impact with my work, not only to make money but I do think I am a fairly good writer when it comes to spinning a unique and entertaining yarn. In critiques of Dark Resurrection, I have read both good and bad remarks about my work, with some observations being repeated, and I have considered the observations. I would like to have honest appraisals of each chapter and suggestions for any changes that may make the book more enjoyable. I welcome questions regarding storyline, setting, characters and dialogue; it may help to polish the story up. I also have a sequel to DR, which tells the tale of Jesus and Mary's trip to Rome, which I would like to present on this blog after the initial book, albeit in a rough, unedited form, for my readers. I also have another story that I may put up after that; I have yet to decide one way or the other.

That said, I have had several people remark that Dark Resurrection would make a good movie. If anyone reading this can help make that happen, or thinks they can help get the book noticed or into actual print, I will make certain that they are financially compensated if such a venture proves successful. Agents will not touch me or my book, so I am recruiting my readers to be my agent, should anyone be interested. If enough folks make it noticed, perhaps something could happen. The way publishing is supposed to work is that agented work is submitted to a publisher, and unagented work is submitted to a publisher and is then consigned to a trash can, quite literally. That will make it hard, as I already know, but perhaps numbers can do what I could not. Some publishers take unagented work. Further, the way Hollywood is today, with their idiotic remakes and dead horse beating sequels, a story about an antihero vampire Jesus Christ who slaughters the evil may get the attention of a studio, especially an independent studio. I'd love to have Don Coscarelli produce it, but that's a pipe dream.

Anyway, the entire book would have to be printed out, and then mailed USPS media mail to a publisher or studio of your choice, with what is called a "cover letter". Briefly, a cover letter names the author and gives a brief pitch in the form of a synopsis. There is, of course, absolutely no obligation to do anything for me, other than to read and enjoy the book, and for those who have not read Dark Resurrection, I truly hope you like the story. I will be putting up chapter one of Dark Resurrection in my following post, later today.

Thanks for your time and support,


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