This is a guest post by Matthew Dunnyveg on Jesus the Vampire's Landing Spot. Liberals: Justice Is Where We Win and You Lose --By Matthew Dunnyveg How many innocent people languish in prisons? We'll likely never know the answer to this question because so many people have no choice but to put themselves there due to our corrupt liberal justice system. They are forced to plead guilty for things they never did. To add insult to injury, they are forced to admit their nonexistent guilt to be eligible for parole; those who are honest and refuse to admit guilt in these situations are punished by having to complete their entire sentences. Here is how it works: Imagine being accused of a serious crime you didn't commit. The evidence against you is circumstantial but powerful. You would have two choices, plead guilty to something you didn't do to face a certain, though lighter, punishment. Or one could fight the charges by hiring attorneys that charge from three hundred...